How Overwhelmed IT Teams Can Lead to Security Weaknesses | Clutch Solutions

With the rise of remote work and distanced IT help, there are new issues plaguing the world of business security that have one root cause: IT teams that are overworked and overwhelmed.

While implementing good security forces is important, inefficient solutions can lead to a convoluted process for app permissions, security clearances and other issues that employees might run into, which leads to nearly 60% of them reporting a drop in productivity due to security products.

In many cases, strict security measures can cause employees to shirk responsibility for security issues or come up with dangerous workarounds that create more vulnerabilities. It is important for businesses to be aware of these pain points so they can create solutions that are viable from a security and from a workplace standpoint.

When Security Becomes a Burden

While having strong security measures in place is a must, if it becomes detrimental to employees’ ability to complete their tasks, it is certain that they will find a way around it.

A recent report said that nearly 70% of all employees have engaged in behavior to circumvent security at their job—and this is often not due to malicious intent, but due to the cumbersome nature of the policies in place.

Many employees may not understand how these workarounds could potentially open the company up to vulnerabilities or assume that it is an issue for the technical team to deal with—so creating a shared sense of responsibility across the corporation is a must. Encouraging strong passwords, educating everyone about phishing dangers and trying to understand why employees circumvent security protocols is a great way to ensure you are solving their problems in a safe, secure way.

When Help Desks Can’t Help

In addition to security being inconvenient, there is also the issue of help desks being overburdened with employees’ issues. This has always been a concern, but has recently become spotlighted due to the rise in remote working.

If help desks are unable to solve issues quickly, it creates an environment where employees feel discouraged from asking to begin with—and may even feel encouraged to find their own solution instead.

Does your help desk need a bit of help? We’re here for you. We have comprehensive IT and tech support solutions so you can be certain your organization is as secure as possible. Contact us today to learn more.