Issues That Slow Down IT Departments | Clutch Solutions

It is a refrain that is heard often from employees and leadership at companies: “Going through IT is too slow.” Slow IT departments are something that many people accept as a fact of life, but these types of roadblocks can lead to serious growth and security issues for your business.

Getting projects done quickly is key to a business’ success, but rushing projects can lead to bugs, errors and a wide range of vulnerabilities.

In recent research, it has been found that 50% of people surveyed were frustrated with the speed at which their IT team can deliver projects—which is quite a lot of people who are dissatisfied with their business’ capabilities. Below, we will look at some common reasons that IT roadblocks occur so CIOs can be aware of these issues and alleviate key pressure points.

Why IT Departments Get Slowed Down

Budget issues. As with many things in the world of business, the lack of an adequate budget can derail even the most well thought out project, and projects that fall upon the IT team are no exception. Budget cuts or insufficiencies can force teams to be stretched too thin and resources to be bare, so it can make delivering on projects far more difficult even for the most skilled team.

Too much multitasking. Once thought to be the chief skill of a productive employee, the more we learn about multitasking, the more we learn about its ineffectiveness. It is estimated that for every interruption, 15 minutes of a developer’s productivity is lost—even for minor ones. Asking too much of IT professionals can lead to multitasking, which is ultimately a distraction, so if possible, it is best to allow your team to focus on one thing at a time.

Poor IT-business relations. Company culture is an extremely important aspect of productivity, but it is often overlooked. Having a productive, working relationship with IT teams is key for keeping things on schedule and keeping a high bar for project output. Instead of treating a relationship with IT teams as a give and take, approach each project conversation as a collaboration of skills and talents to reach a common goal.

Do you need help coming up with efficient IT solutions for your business? That is where we come in. We can help alleviate stress and achieve deliverables for businesses in a variety of industries. Contact us today to learn more.